In October, 1984, New York was rocked by one of the most explosive “sex-for-sale” scandals in the city’s history. Sidney Biddle Barrows was arrested for operating the Cachet “escort service”, catering to affluent businessmen and dignitaries.
Mayflower Madam is inspired by the life and career of Sydney Biddle Barrows. In October, 1984, New York was rocked by one of the most explosive “sex-for-sale” scandals in the city’s history. Barrows, a young socialite descended from one of the original Mayflower Pilgrims, was arrested for operating the Cachet “escort service,” catering to affluent businessmen and dignitaries.
For nearly a year, the newspaper headlines screamed the unfolding story of the Mayflower Madam (as she monikered by the tabloids), until in August, 1985, a court decision dismissed all felony charges against her. Throughout the proceedings (and to this day), Miss Barrows steadfastly refused to reveal the names of her prominent clients and defended her “girls” and her enterprise as a “well run business.” Even police officials conceded that Cachet had been the best service of its kind ever operated in the Big Apple, citing it as distinctly free of any relationships to drugs or organised crimes.
The Mayflower Madam saga, first told by Barrows in a sizzling #1 best-selling book is now brought to life in this stunning film version. Brilliantly enacted by Candice Bergen, Mayflower Madam has captured the imagination of millions and furthered discussion on the age old debate.
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:1987
Category:TV Movies