DNA evidence and camera footage places a corrupt CEO as the prime suspect in the murder of a company whistle-blower, but Jane Doe believes the real killer may be his twin sibling.
She’s great at connecting clues. She’s an expert when it comes to numbers. There’s no cryptic message she can’t decipher. But when it comes to this puzzle, Jane Doe has to admit that even with all the pieces the picture just doesn’t make sense.
George Bannister, Chief Financial Officer of EM Industries, has been murdered—shot at point blank range. The killer is his partner, CEO Everett Myers. Not only was Myers under investigation for extortion but the murder was caught on surveillance cameras. Add to this evidence is the fact that the security guard witnessed Myers going to Bannister’s office seconds before the fatal shooting. So why has Cathy Davis (Lea Thompson, Back to the Future), CSA agent and professional puzzle solver, been called in to investigate? Because at the time of the murder, Myers also happened to be enjoying dinner with the mayor at a very public restaurant. Cathy’s working on gut instinct—he simply couldn’t have done it.
Her partner Frank’s instinct says no other person but Myers could be responsible, despite the believably sincere protests of innocence from the accused. When Myers’s shady mistress is murdered, Frank think he has a lock on the case. Surveillance cameras caught him at the woman’s apartment. Trouble is, at the time of this murder, Myers also happened to be in his holding cell. Back at baffling square one, Cathy and Frank track down Myers’s parents for some insight into their only son’s (split) personality. One thing is obvious. The nervous parents have secrets—the least of which is that there is no record of Everett Myers having ever even been born. Quite a puzzle. Just try solving it Cathy.
“One of the smartest new series on the airwaves” (Hollywood Reporter) now corners its unbeatable heroine in the most baffling brain teaser of her career.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2006
Category:TV Movies
Genre(s):Thriller, Suspense & Crime