NSA undercover agent Cathy Davis is enlisted to solve the kidnapping of a man celebrated for his photographic memory but the secrets in his mind are second only to the secrets of Cathy’s mother, a former NSA agent who can’t resist the intrigue.
Known to friends and family as “Cathy,” she’s a loveable soccer mom. Under her name Jane Doe, of course, she’s an ingenious undercover agent. Under both names, she back in business.
Cathy Davis (Lea Thompson, Back to the Future) is playing host to her mother Polly (Donna Mills, Knott’s Landing) who’s arrived from Baltimore for a vacation—until Cathy is called back into duty by CSA Officer Frank Darnell (Joe Penny, Jake and the Fatman) to help solve a kidnapping case. The victim is Iain Smythe (Michael Tomlinson, We Were Soldiers), more popularly known as Dr. Mnemonic, celebrated worldwide for his photographic “eidetic” memory. Entrusted by the British Intelligence, Smythe carries the top-secret identities and contact information of every British agent in the Middle East securely in his steel-trap mind. But Cathy and Frank now fear that the brain of one of the most important eggheads in the world is going to get scrambled and the goods sold to the highest bidder.
It’s no surprise that Polly has ideas about the crime. Like her daughter, the feisty locksmith has led a double life. A CSA agent herself, Polly’s been let go after forty years in service. Considering that she can still pop a deadbolt in fifteen seconds, she’s not about to be reassigned to needlepoint and early-bird dinners for long –especially when her powers of observation have yielded invaluable clues in the kidnapping and especially when her daughter is being lured into the trap of a woman named Ursula Voss (Emmy nominee Alla Korot, Another World), a seductive international spy whose list of aliases is as long as her Interpol rap sheet. And what’s going on in her mind could be the most dangerous mystery of them all.
The series that The Hollywood Reporter praised for “plenty of suspense and just plain smarts” returns as danger and international intrigue become a family affair.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2005
Category:TV Movies
Genre(s):Thriller, Suspense & Crime