In December 2001, Enron declared themselves bankrupt resulting in thousands losing their jobs and billions of dollars lost. This is the eyewitness account of Enron’s scandalous undoing, and of one insider who survived his own personal fall from grace
In December of 2001, the largest bankruptcy in United States history was filed. Ten thousand people lost their jobs, and even more saw their life savings wiped out. In total, twenty-five billion dollars was lost. This is the eyewitness account of Enron’s scandalous undoing, and one insider who survived his own personal fall from grace.
Brian Cruver (Christian Kane, Life or Something Like It) is a bright 26-year-old Texas boy. He has the perfect girl in Courtney (Shannon Elizabeth, American Pie), his fiancée, and he has the perfect job at Enron, a bankruptcy trading group soaring to number one in the Fortune 500. Brash, energetic, and trusting, Brian believes everything that Enron Chairman of the Board Kenneth Lay (Emmy nominee Mike Farrell, M*A*S*H) says about the company’s dedication to integrity. As Cruver’s salary skyrockets, and as his position as senior manager for bankruptcy risk management imbues him with more power, Cruver finds himself seduced into a corporate greed machine with no way out. But Cruver doesn’t want out—even at the risk of losing Courtney. It’s everything he’s always wanted—until he stumbles upon Enron’s secret.
Trading in abstract commodities while holding virtually no real assets, the company once poised “to take over the universe” is nothing more than a house of cards waiting to fall. As new falsifications of financial statements come to light, Cruver discovers he’s just one more pawn in a game for scoundrels, one more expendable employee hired to make rich men richer, and one more fool whose blind pursuit of the American Dream has sent him spiralling deeper into a surreal corporate nightmare. Before it’s over, it will change everything that Cruver believes about right and wrong and will leave him with one last desperate question: Can a man who allowed himself to be seduced to the dark side be granted one more chance at salvation?
Directed by Penelope Spheeris (Wayne’s World) from Brian Cruver’s own unabashed and mordantly funny gonzo memoir, Anatomy of Greed: The Unshredded Truth from an Enron Insider, The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron puts a human face on one of the most unbelievable and shocking chapters in American corporate history.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2002
Category:TV Movies