Shock jock sportscaster Henry Ramiro is given a dare by a gravely ill but still optimistic 15-year-old: be nice for one day. When Henry agrees, his ratings tank, but his new attitude has a miraculous effect on his life.
It really is a wonderful life when holiday wishes, bad vibes, big troubles, little miracles, and a mob of department store Santas converge on a Christmas holiday destined to change one man, heart and soul.
It may be Christmas, but good will just doesn’t cut it for sportscaster Henry Ramiro (George Lopez, The George Lopez Show), Chicago’s number one shock jock. His slam-dunk insults, cutting humour, and profitably rude attitude have earned him the reputation of “Bleacher Bum” among fans—and family embarrassment for his wife Diana (Lisa Vidal, E.R.) and insecure teenage daughter Olivia (Bianca Collins, Tiger Cruise). Just when it seems that no amount of tears, no ultimatum, and not even a threat to his marriage could ever make Henry change his sour tune, he goes too far in belittling an optimistic fifteen-year-old listener named Michael (James Kirk, X2) who advocates positive thinking. When Henry discovers that the boy, an aspiring sportscaster himself, is suffering from a rare heart disease, it’s time for quick damage control—and a “Bleacher Bum” T-shirt isn’t going to cut it. What’s left for a self-styled Scrooge like Henry to do? Grant Michael’s wish: be nice to everyone for an entire day.
It’s the kind of deal that could ruin a “Bum” like Henry. To the chagrin of his listeners, to the delight of his main competition—a relentless sports jock called “The Hit Man”—and to the tentative relief of his family, Henry bites the bullet and agrees. What’s more surprising is that his cheery new disposition seems to have a therapeutic effect on Michael, who’s out of bed and shooting hoops. A coincidence? Henry’s betting his career that it isn’t. Drop-kicked to the midnight time slot where his ratings tank and his only audience is comprised of depressed insomniacs looking for feel-good advice, his life is in turnaround—and he couldn’t be happier. So is Michael. But as Diana gets closer to rediscovering the man she fell in love with, and as Olivia connects with the dad she thought she’d lost, another twist of fate threatens to turn Henry’s world upside down once more. Little do they know, however, another miracle—one no one believed possible—is on its way. After all, this is Christmas.
Spend the holidays with a truly uplifting family event as one of today’s most popular comedians, George Lopez, and Emmy-winning director Eric Laneuville (I’ll Fly Away) deliver the happiest and most inspiring surprise of the year.
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2004
Category:TV Movies