The bond between father and son, husband and wife, friend and enemy is shaken when an avenging posse turns a manhunt into a violent journey of self-discovery…
The bond between father and son, husband and wife, and friend and enemy is shaken by an avenging posse that turns a manhunt into a violent journey of self-discovery…
Along Savage River Gorge, in Desolation Canyon, retired, silver-haired gunslinger Sam Kendrick (Golden Globe winner Stacy Keach, Hemingway) lives with his young Mexican bride, Alejandro (Yvonne Delarosa, The Closer), in a modest settler’s cabin. This is the way he dreamed of his golden years, and this is the way he has it—living in peace and quiet miles from nowhere and farther still from bad-news bearers like his old friend Sheriff Tomas Lundstrom (Patrick Duffy, Dallas). The news that the sheriff arrives with is black indeed. Over the past month a gang of desperados has shot their way through several deadly stage bushwhacks, train hold-ups, and bloody bank robberies. Along with hired killer Press Reynolds (Kenneth Johnson, The Shield) and the cold-blooded McCallister brothers, the gang’s other member is trigger-happy Johnny Kendrick (Victor Browne, Tremors), Sam’s only son—a bad seed who not only abandoned his wife, Olivia (Kelly Overton, The Ring Two), but also arranged for his own young son Abe (Drake Johnson, One Tree Hill) to be kidnapped.
There’s no way Sheriff Lundstrom (aka “The Swede”) is going after his best friend’s son on his own. He doesn’t want that on his conscience. When a bounty is put on the gang’s head, Tomas needs Sam’s help in at least bringing Johnny in alive—not to mention rescuing little Abe from a life surrounded by death and violence. Joining Tomas and Sam’s posse is Arturo Zetta (Emmy winner A Martinez, General Hospital) , a Mexican eager to settle his own score with the gang, and Edwin Bornstein, a refined Boston chap who’s doing it all for the woman he loves—Johnny’s estranged wife, Olivia. Now, from the wild, untamed West to seedy border towns to the caverns of Arizona, the hunt is on. But it’ll be in Desolation Canyon itself, where a father and son will come to terms with a violent past, where two old buddies will better understand the meaning of the word friendship, and where the love between a man and woman will be put to the ultimate test.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2005
Category:TV Movies
Genre(s):Action & Adventure