When L.A cop Bob Hart is made sheriff in his boyhood home of Hope, Montana, the single father and his daughter move home. It’s a move destined to change his life when he discovers that the town and the family ranch are threatened by developers.
A father and daughter on the mend pack up their memories of the city for a new life and a new beginning in the open wilds of the Montana countryside.
Widowed Los Angeles cop and single father Bob Hart (Emmy winner Richard Thomas, The Waltons) is as accustomed to the wild streets of the city as his skateboarding teenage daughter Madison (Halee Hirsh, You’ve Got Mail) is to its concrete valleys. They’re both in for a culture shock when Bob discovers that his estranged father, a mustang rancher and sheriff of a small Montana town, deputised him before he passed away. As interim sheriff, Bob has no recourse but to pack it all up and rescue the family ranch now in danger of being sold to the highest bidder. For urban daredevil Madison, this means saying goodbye to her best friend Dawn and trading in her board for cowboy boots. When they arrive in a place called Hope, Bob realises how much has changed since his days there as a boy.
Main Street is slated for razing by developer Cody McMichael (Joseph Culp, The Fantastic Four) in a bid for a shopping mall. The Hart Ranch and its twenty mustangs are endangered as well. A conservationist has obtained a court order to seize the herd, and Cody’s set to take over the vulnerable property. But stubbornness runs in the Hart family, too. Saving a forty-year-old family legacy is Bob’s main concern along with his infatuation for veterinarian Emily Benson (Nancy McKeon, The Facts of Life). Meanwhile, Madison takes to the animals and the splendid country almost as quickly as she does to Tim (A.J. Trauth, Happy Endings), a teenage cowboy-in-the-making. But when the threats against the town and the ranch escalate, Bob has to rally all the support he can to make his dream for a new life come true.
Lift the spirit with Wild Hearts, an engaging story of friendship, personal courage, and family traditions.
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Duration:120 Mins
Year of Production:2005
Category:TV Movies